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Join Team 2023! 



What is a Mastermind?

A Mastermind is a group of like-minded professionals who regularly meet to help each other succeed.

In his book “Think and Grow Rich“, Napoleon Hill described the Mastermind principle as, “The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…no two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”, also known as, the Mastermind.

Profound Knowledge

Stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, private equity, start-ups, online businesses, real estate...and more! Whether a beginner or an expert, you'll want to learn about all the new information in the field of investing.

Real Examples

Bring your own examples or listen example after example presented by others to build confidence around investing intelligently with peace of mind. "Repetition is the mother of all skill'.

Expert Guests

Get ready for incredible guests to join the mastermind and provide the information you need for a competitive edge. In a world that is moving very fast, you want to make sure you are using your time and money wisely.

Surround yourself with the best.

Join The Mastermind

$10,000 / year

STEP 1: Fill out the form below.

STEP 2: You’ll receive a follow up email.

STEP 3: If approved, Niko will invite you to the group!

Meet Your Host

Niko grew up in Rhodes and at the age of 17 he went to the USA to study. He holds a BA and an MA in Computer Engineering and an MBA in Technology Management from the Stevens Institute of Technology in NJ.

Since then he has lived in Washington, New York and Miami, Florida because of his work. Throughout his career, Nikos has worked for both the government and the private sector and is currently a senior leader at a startup technology company.

Throughout his career, Niko interviewed hundreds of individuals and coached numerous employees to grow into bigger positions.

Until 2017, Nikos worked at the Pentagon as an officer for the US Army Department of Science and Engineering, effectively being the focal point of contact between 16,000 members of the civilian staff and the Pentagon. In 2019, he left the Federal Government to help a newly listed technology company (NYSE) set up the company’s engineering support department. Within 3 years, Nikos’s team grew by 600% and spread to 6 cities in America and India, while serving 22,000 customers.

Despite his leading roles, Nikos calls himself a student of life. Constantly seeks guidance from world-class individuals and skilled professionals. His ability to solve complex problems, along with his desire to discover and cultivate the potential of his fellow human beings, led him to pursue a career in coaching.

As a high performance coach, Nikos succeeds in paving the way for people from all over the world to achieve their next professional and financial goal. Niko is an accredited investor as defined by the US SEC, as a person with a net worth exceeding $1 million, excluding his primary residence.

He is also the founder of Intelligent Investments Mastermind, a program provides the necessary information and strategies to achieve financial independence as Nikos did under the guidance of his billionaire mentors.

Schedule a Call with Niko

What Niko's clients have to say


Earned in 10 months what took him 8 years in the past!


3X his income within a year!


Understood how to become a multi-millionaire in 2 hours!


Achieved her ambitious money goal in 4 months!


Obtained a high-paying job in 3 months!


Found the clarity and inner peace to thrive!!

"The one-on-one coupled with this mastermind has been transformative in ways I don't think I can verbalized. I've invested in two passive incomes since we began working together and I know for a fact I would've been way too scared to take those risks had this been a year ago. So, THANK YOU"

"The guests were excellent, the material you shared with us was of great value and your energy was contaminated. Thanks"

"The Mastermind was Great!! Very informative on how to achieve your financial goals and your dreams. The steps that you gave us was very helpful and in detail, how to overcome our fears and build a strong confidence by taking action. Thank you Niko!"

"I really find anything about real estate complicated, intimidating and just general disinteresting. But clearly, that is where the money is. I think I learned that even something that feels complex can be tackled if you don't fear it so much. This is one of the main reasons I signed up for the next Mastermind because I want to learn more about investing."

"When we began, I was in a very messy place in my life, and the changes we discussed felt very out of reach for me. Cut to one year later, and the VAST change in my mindset, coupled with results, had me absolutely FLOORED and WOWed. I couldn't have believed that I would be able to do the things I had suddenly taken on. I applied the things I learned through the various breakthrough programs I attended and the 1-on-1 coaching sessions. Not only was my current business growing, but I also delved into other business ideas without fear."

I'm ready to take advantage of the bundle before the price changes!


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